Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 29-Goals

Day 29-Goals for the next 30 days

*Update my blog-a-roo. I need a new header, new background, new font, new everything. It just takes time, and I don't have a lot of it, it seems. This should be a somewhat slow weekend, so I'm hoping to on Sunday. I love updating my blog. It gives me such happiness ha ha.

*Stick to my two week menu I planned out today. I printed off THE CUTEST little menu planner. Ashley and I are in the process of getting together to make our beloved BIG menu boards, but until then, that's what I will be using. I will post it at the end, because I think it's SUPER CUTE.

* Craft at LEAST two items within the next 30 days. I have stock piled ideas in notebooks, web favorites, Pinterest, etc. Now it's time to do some. I'm obsessed with Halloween...well, Fall in general. I plan to tackle those crafts first. Thank goodness I have Ashley to do that with :) Thanks friend for deciding to take on the challenge with me.

* Eat better throughout the week. It seems like we are constantly go-go-go, and sometimes I am either munching on things I shouldn't, or I'm forgetting to eat during the day. So, with the menu plan, I hope that not only keeps us on budget, but it helps our eating habits. Have to start somewhere, right?

* Take a walk at least once a week within the next 30 days. I love walking, and I really want to enjoy outside, and getting some exercise. I used to be in tip-top shape once upon a time ago, but that has gone out the window. My goal is not necessarily to lose pounds, because as a woman, I could lose 20 lbs and not be able to tell. Instead, I want to focus on feeling better and getting toned up. Screw poundage.

* Keep myself from getting too involved in things which I can't control. There's no use in getting my blood pressure up over Alex's ex when she's being a twat...I mean, an outstanding human being. No use getting my panties in a wad when my sister gets a shit-attitude with me. No use. I'm going to really try to be "chill". We'll see.

Seems like pretty reasonable goals. Nothing too extreme. Very DO-ABLE.

Here's my menu planner. Cute right?

I got it from I may not be a mommy, but they have amazing articles and different "survival" tips and tools. I highly recommend checking it out!

1 comment:

  1. we do the menu thing always. if we dont, we spend ridiculous amounts of money on crap at the store. the menu thing is the best way to go! then at the end of the week, or two weeks (whenever you go grocery shopping) go through your cupboards, cause chances are you have enough stuff to go towards meals the next week and it eliminates ALOT! i miss your face cait!
