Friday, July 15, 2011

Day Two..Plus Some

Day 2: Where you'd like to be in 10 years.

In 10 years, I would like to be done with college and have a degree that will benefit my goals. I would like to have my own event planning business...Or bakery...Catering....Or all of them together. I have always planned to start something like that with my Mom, and I really hope within 10 years, we are able to do that. I would also like to have started a family (and be done with the making the family part...I will be 34..EEK). I would like to still be happy and care free (about some things)..I have always had Peter Pan Syndrome...I grow up and do the "adult" thing, but in the back of my head I'm singing "I don't wanna grow up".

For whoever might stumble across this blog, please keep my little sister and her family in your prayers. Thursday morning, we found out that my sister's brand new baby brother, born June 22nd, was found dead. We are all unsure of exactly what happened. The mother had to leave town on a work assignment, and the baby was left with his father. His father has a record of child abuse, child endangerment, alcoholism, etc. We're trying to keep from specualting, but it does not look good. The mother flew home last night and has some family coming in today to help with this situation. My baby sister is taking things very hard. She feels responsible in some way and wishes she could take this tiny little boys place up in heaven. So again, please send out your good thoughts, vibes, prayers...Whatever is fitting for you personally. It would be greatly appreciated through this horribly tragic time.

1 comment:

  1. aw that is just terrible!! I hope things are found out as to what happened! my heart really goes out to them. So sad! :( Let me know if they find out anything or donations or whatever.
