Thursday, July 14, 2011

Another Day, Another Dollar

Another day at work. I felt break time was the perfect opportunity to do a quick blog update-a-roo.

A couple things:

My blog absolutely annoys me. I need to re-vamp it, and I would really LOVE to pay someone to do it for me...That seems the easiest. I'm just a tight ass with money, so, looks like that's what I'll be doing myself this weekend.

Utah has been humid. What? Humid?! Utah? Yes. Not Hawaii humid, or Missouri humid...just slightly humid, which makes me blah. I liked Hawaii humidity better for some reason. Maybe the option to cool off in the ocean made it bearable. Hmm.

My car is on the verge of dying. I know I have said this repeatedly for the couple of years I have had it, but it hates itself (or me). Not too thrilled about it. Thank goodness Alex's car will be here soon, and I'm working hard to get a new car sooner rather than later (fingers crossed for me!).

Alex's schedule is changing. We're happy and not happy about it all at the same time. Happy, because Mon-Thurs, he can still car pool. His days off will now be Friday and Saturday. That makes getting things done a lot easier, since he'll have an actual weekday off. Other than that, it sucks cause we'll only have Saturdays off together :( I'm a baby, I know. We're keeping our fingers crossed he doesn't go into rotation, doing nights and what not.

I have been blog usual. Not sure where I stumbled acorss this new 30 day Challenge thing, but I've decided to do it. I suck at doing them. I forget I'm supposed to post something EVERYDAY, but I'm really going to try to be better this time around.

Here it is:

Day 1: Your current relationship status..How's it going for you?
Day 2: Where you'd like to be in 10 years.
Day 3: Your view on alcohol and drugs.
Day 4: Your views on religion
Day 5: Was there a time you thought about ending your own life?
Day 6: Write 30 interesting facets about yourself.
Day 7: Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.
Day 8: A moment you felt the most satisfied with your life.
Day 9: Nine thingws you would like to say to nine people.
Day 10: Discuss your first love and your first kiss.
Day 11: Put your IPod on shuffle and name the first 10 songs.
Day 12: Misnight snack of choice.
Day 13: Somwhere you'd like to move or visit.
Day 14: Your earliest memory.
Day 15: Something hard you have been through this year.
Day 16: A letter to someone from your past.
Day 17: Seven clothing items you would like to have.
Day 18: Some thing or a few things that annoy you.
Day 19: One way to win your heart.
Day 20: How important you think education is.
Day 21: One of your favorite shows.
Day 22: How have you changed in the past 2 years.
Day 23: Pictures of 5 famous people you find attractive.
Day 24: Your favorite movie and what it's about.
Day 25: Someone who fascinates you and why.
Day 26: What kind of person attracts you?
Day 27: A confession about your life.
Day 28: Something that you miss.
Day 29: Goals for the next 30 days.
Day 30: Your favorite memory of the past month.

I'm really hoping this isn't too similiar to past 30 day challenges, but if so, oh well. It's something to do. I think after this 30 Day Challenge, I will no longer be doing them. I'm going to be mainstreaming my blog. It will still be about me and my crazy life, but I would like to gain a larger audience for other purposes.

So onto the first day...

Day 1: Your current relationship's it going for you?

The current relationship status is taken. I like to refer to us as engaged to be engaged. We might as well already be married, but neither of us are really in a rush for all of that. Alex has been married before and I don't think I've ever fully decided if it's a necessity in my life to be married. So, as of right now, I'm perfectly content with the way things are going. :)

1 comment:

  1. That sucks your car is finally taking a rest. Hopefully you are able to get a new car soon. Get a good reliable one!! i like your 30 days you found. Maybe ill do that one after the one i just started! We need to get together soon!! :)
