Friday, July 8, 2011

I Carry Your Heart...I Carry It In My Heart

I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart) I am never without it (anywhere I go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling) I fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) I want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)and you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you

Here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

-e e cummings

I'm sure I have posted this on a previous blog entry. It's my absolute favorite poem. I have loved it for what seems like forever. Reading it brings such joy, because love is so deep and precious, and I feel like these words capture it beautifully. Speaking of LOVE...

Ashley is now officially a married woman. Her wedding was yesterday evening. It was the most beautiful wedding I have ever been a part of. I won't be posting wedding photos until after the bride has gotten all her pictures back and done some posting of her own, out of respect, but I will definitely share a few of my favorite moments.

The entire wedding was a favorite moment, but I loved being here in Utah to help her out with all of it. From stuffing the envelopes for her invitiations to making her center pieces, I got to be a part of it all, and it was amazing. Being "behind the scenes" was so wonderful.

As the maid of honor, I had quite the responsibilities, but loved helping out not just Ash, but the other bridesmaids. Another favorite moment would have to be helping the other girls get ready. We formed some what of a train while we all did each other's hair. It was so fun having the girl time, but it definitely started to get stressful for us all when everyone started showing up and trying to be in the middle of it all. It was great to share the time with the 5 other girls. We all banded together (minus one ha ha...long story) to make sure Ashley was taken care of and people were giving her the room to breathe and relax.

Kissing Ashley's cheek as I left her alone with her dad. I held her hands for a second, told her she looked beautiful and to remember that there is no reason to be nervous...This is the man she has been with for almost 8 years, and he was excited to see her. I gave her a hug and left her alone with Papa Joel. This is a favorite moment because aside from her Dad, I was the last person who had the opportunity to tell her how amazing everything had turned out and how beautiful she was. It meant a lot to me to have the brief moment alone with Ash...being best friends and all.

Watching Alex's son, the ring bearer, walk down the aisle..PERFECTLY, I might add. It was one of those "joyous parent" moments to watch him do so well. The rehearsal was quite a train wreck, so we were all worried he was going to be jumping around and acting crazy, but he was so great.

Hearing Craig's jaw hit the ground (figuratively of course) when he saw Ashley for the first time. His exact words were, "Oh wow...wooowww". I was so close to him, I heard it clear as day. He definitely wasn't shy about it, but I loved being right up there to witness his reaction. He even got a little choked up, which I thought was the sweetest thing.

Seeing Ashley and Papa Joel coming down the aisle. Ashley was THE MOST beautiful bride EVER. Her dress, her hair, and her amazing tan (we have now deemed her the white Mexican)..Everything was perfect. She was seriously so beautiful and everyone there would have to agree. Perfect.

Being DONE! Everyone who had helped and had been a part of making this backyard wedding into the beautiful thing that it was, would most likely have to agree with me..We were all happy to see them married and the wedding pulled off. It was definitely a favorite moment feeling that tension lift. Everything went perfectly (give or take a few mishaps along the way). My best friend deserved the perfect day all to herself, and SHE GOT IT.

I would do a play by play of Ashley's perfect day, but that's for her to brag about (even though I love bragging about my peeps). Make sure to check her blog out, I'm sure she'll be posting some stuff when she gets back from her amazing honeymoon in Jamaica. Here's the link--->

I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday and the warm weather outside. Stay tuned for another post this weekend!


  1. The wedding was so pretty. I'm glad Ashley has such a great friend like you. Thanks for being so good to my sister :)

  2. Thank you Caitlin. The day was amazing, and I could not have done it without you. I love you to pieces!
