Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 16 thru 18

Yep, slacked over the weekend again. But, I did get a lot done around the house, so at least it wasn't wasted!

Day 16- A Letter to Someone from Your Past (I've chosen 2)

Grandma, I miss you everyday. I know you are in a much better place now, but it's hard to know I didn't get to say a proper goodbye to you. I know your health was failing, and I know you just wanted things to come to an end. I just wish I could have been around to say my goodbyes and of course to be there for the family. Mom took things very hard. She is normally the strongest person I know, but it hurt really bad to lose you. It hurt me knowing I couldn't be there for either of you. Thank you for giving me such an amazing mother, and for teaching me things you probably don't realize you taught me. As rude as I was when I was younger, you did truly mean a lot to me. It was just hard living so far away from one another. We grew up in much different times, you and I. Please know you are always in my mind and in my heart. Hopefully soon I get to come say hello to you and Grandpa, since I wasn't able to make it to you before.

Jord, I miss you. You were taken away too soon. It's strange what a friend's death will do to a person. I know we hadn't talked for a little while (give or take a couple texts here and there), but now that you are gone, I feel I need to talk to you now, more than ever. I think all of us feel that way. There is still a part inside of me that doesn't quite believe that you aren't around anymore. That I will catch a glimpse of you somewhere, or get a funny text. I know that's not the case, but it's still just too hard to believe. I wish I could've been home in Utah for your services..All of them. It sucks that I didn't get to be a part of your "homecoming". I am glad, however, that my last memory of you is now one of us hanging out, laughing at pictures on someone's cell phone. I miss you, buddy. I wish you were around to be there for your wife and baby boy. I wish you were around for the rest of your family. I know you are looking down on all of them...and on me. That's comforting to know that, in a sense, I have my own guardian angel (I share you with many, of course, but still...). Thank you for the ultimate sacrifice you made...For your family and for mine...and for everyone else out there. You are truly a hero. You will always live on. I love you man!

Day 17- 7 clothing items you would like to have

-A dark gray blazer. I just really want one
-A little black dress. I have a couple already, but I want THE ONE.
-A pair of Toms.
-Dress slacks. I just really need more.
-An Against Me! shirt. They are my favorite band, but I can never find a shirt of theirs that I like.
-A lace shirt. Not anything old grandma-ish, but very pretty. Nice for work or play.
-An ivory colored cardigan. Do not ask, I just like the look of them.

Day 18- Some thing or a few things that annoy you.

My list could grow rather huge, so I will try to limit this.
-People who copy things I do, and don't give credit where credit is due. That's great if you liked my idea, but please give some credit. I might not have been the original creator, but you did get the idea from me. Thanks!
-Fake people. I can NOT stand fake people. I am a real person. I do the things and say the things that I'm feeling. I never try to BE someone I'm not. If that means I lose the interest of people, so be it.
-Crap-talkers. I have (and still sometimes do) talk crap. Most of anything I have ever said or still say, is something I would tell the person to their face. I don't care how it comes across. That's just me. Please pay the same respects.
-When people eat strangely. It bothers me when people chew with their mouth open. It bothers me when people don't eat something in a normal manner (i.e. they eat a french fry in 27 bites instead of just the 2 it takes).
-When people call me at bad times. I understand this isn't really that persons fault, but I just get annoyed. I like to sometimes think someone can read my mind ha ha.
-When people drive REALLY slowly in front of me. I don't drive like a crazy person, but I also don't drive like I'm 90. Please move over when you can tell a line of traffic is building behind you. Sheesh.

Whew, caught up. I finally got the new computer set up. It sucks that it has to go in our bedroom, but our living room just doesn't have the space. We might move some stuff around to try it out, but we'll see. Anyhow, I have taken some pictures of the computer..and that's about it ha ha. But, I will post them tonight. I might have a couple others I can post. It was brought to my attention that I say this often on here, but I really am going to! :)

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