Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 6- 30 Interesting Things? Ya, right!

Day 6: Write 30 interesting facts about yourself.

This will be hard....I don't think I have 30 interesting things about me, but we'll try.

1- I was born in Germany while my father served in the US Army.
2- I lived in Hawaii for 1.5 years, and actually kinda miss it these days.
3- I grew up on a small military base...Even graduated from the High School there.
4- I have two friends (that I'm still friends with!), that I have known since preschool. We all graduated together. I couldn't ask for better memories.
5- I dated the same boy all throughout high school...Almost. 3 of 4 years, at least.
6- I have a sister from a different mother.
7- I have a brother from a different father.
8- I live in a fairly small town. I always end up running into someone I know at WalMart.
9- My mom is my best friend (one of a very very select few). We weren't close while I was in high school due to my brat-ness, but we're super close now. We talk every day.
10- I have some obsessive compulsive tendancies. Not sure if that's really interesting, but I guess it counts. I check my alarm clock close to 20 times before I feel comfortable enough to fall asleep.
11- I bake a lot. Not a lot lately with everything being so crazy, but I really do believe myself to be a baking goddess. I am allowed to be a little conceited now and again.
12- I'm a germaphobe. I really don't like germy things, and will avoid them at all costs.
13- Along with germaphobe, I am a clean freak. Not clean, as in organized, though I like being that way too. I just have a lot of clutter in our tiny little apartment. I'm meaning more along the lines of washing dishes, scrubbing bathrooms, doing laundry. I am very anal in how it's done, so it's best I be the only one to do.
14- I pick at things. Skin (usually my own, but sometimes I'm gross and decide to pick at Alex ha ha), stickers, fuzzies on clothes or the couch, the little bumps of paint on the walls. I am neurotic, I know.
15- The majority of my family resides in Missouri.
16- I went to a major university right out of High School.
17- I regret not graduating from above mentioned university...Sure do.
18- I plan to go back to college and get a degree.
19- I lived in the dorms while I was going to the major university.
20- I'm addicted to reading.
21- I have an Android phone, but I only really use it for calling, texting, and checking things online. I don't do the whole APP thing.
22- I have a Kindle that I love so much.
23- I like the snow more than I like the summer for some reason.
24- I hate being hot. I have to sleep with a fan on all the time, and our house has to be COLD, not warm in the slightest bit.
25- I'm obsessed with Fleur De Lis'
26- I love sports. I don't play them so much anymore (at all, really) but I love watching them.
27- I listen to all sorts of music. Minus country...and opera ha ha
28- I can't burp. I have maybe done it a few times on accident, but I can't burp intentionally.
29- I hardly ever wear jewelry, even though I have quite a bit of it.
30- My legs have to be propped up on something at all times (almost). At work, at home, at the table, etc. Just isn't comfortable with my legs down.

Most of those 30 are not all that interesting. Ha ha.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Caitlin, We are like the same person. I was born in Germany too! I like all kinds of music except country too! If it weren't for the other 28 things we would be clones! Love ya
